Kobo Writing Life Director Mark Lefebvre recently joined Kevin Tumlinson, Director of Marketing at Draft2Digital for a London Book Fair Indie Author Fringe session entitled: Get Your Book Out There. How To Be Everywhere.
The Indie Author Fringe is an online author conference that showcases the best self-publishing advice and education for authors across the world — harnessing the global reach of the Alliance of Independent Authors’s network. Alli’s self-publishing conference features well-known indie authors and advisors, for 24 sessions over 24-hours, in a one-day extravaganza of self-publishing expertise, and the virtual events are designed to bring the “book fair” wisdom directly into an author’s home, eliminating the high cost of traveling to London, Frankfurt or New York.
With a focus on explaining the difference between an aggregator (Draft2Digital) and a Retailer (Kobo/Kobo Writing Life), Mark and Kevin explain the importance of, the benefits of, and the strategies involved with publishing wide to as many retailers as possible rather than being locked into and focused on a single retailer.